Painting frame

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  • Due to the poor quality of the paint on the frame, I am thinking of stripping my ER-6n down and get the frame parts power coated, do anyone knows how much work it will involve, is it is a big and complicatet job ??

    Regards Michael

  • Well, I do imagine that this will entail a lot of work. At least stripping down your bike will not be that easy. Are you a dab hand at DIY and handy with tools?

    I can't estimate the costs. Have you already taken a look at the US forum? Maybe somebody over theres has done this modification.

    Wenn schneller möglich ist, dann ist schnell nicht schnell genug !

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    i needed 5 days for sdtripping my bike and reassembling.

    then there are another 5 days for painting, so i would say.. two weekends.. the week between for the painter, then you got it.

    hope i could help..
