Specific installation cables for Spyball alarms model 8520 to my Kawasaki ER6-n.

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  • I have ben looking for some Specific installation cables for Spyball alarms model 8520 to my Kawasaki ER6-n. But whitout luck. With this cable I will not have to cut to much in the original cables.
    Do you know where I can buy these on the internet? (online shop). The danish spyball dealer, wont import them.

    I can see on there website, (http://www.spyball.it/index.php?page=643 ) that it is made for the Kawasaki er6-n, but I cant find anywhere to buy it…

    Can you please help me.

    Best regards

    Thomas Larsen
    Kawasaki ER6-N owner.



  • Hi Thomas,

    for me it is not 100% clear what you are looking for.

    I can´t read this (italian?) HP

    What is the purpose ot this "Spyball" Wire harness.
    My be there is a better / other one on the market
    who is known by one of the forum.

    best regards

    Owner of a N & F

    Die Rhöner Schafe - alles Andere als lammfromm

  • So Spyball seems to be a manufacturer of specific alarm systems for many motorcycles (including ER-6) fitting to the wiring of those motorcycle models and Thomas is looking for a dealer selling that Spyball-stuff.

    The sad part of the story is: I never heard of it and - much worse - don't know who is the vendor/importer here in Germany.

    Rossi - w/o any ER up to now ;)

    Some minutes with Google told me that here is one importer here in Germany:

    and another one in Austria:

    Maybe they can help you.

    Valentino hat mit mir nix ze dunn - der heißt nun mal so, wie mein Spitzname seit über 30 Jahren lautet ;)


    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von rossi_kle (17. September 2006 um 22:53)