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  • At last i succeeded in getting a swap price for my dear Yamaha in to a brand nwe ER 6n in black/gold.

    Now i can´t wait until next week when i will be brought together with my new friend...... :D

  • Hey Mads Kaae, hello and welcome :hi :hi :hi . Best wishes to Danmark, I hope you´ll enjoy this site and hopefully soon the time with your new frind, named ER-6n Greeeets from Austria :crazy

  • Zitat

    Original von Balla
    Hes not from Germany and cant understan du ragga0 =)

    Tja sag das nicht, wer weiß! Ich hatte mal nen Brieffreund in Dänemark, der konnte jedes deutsche Wort lesen und verstehen, aber wenn er anfing zu schreiben wurds kritisch, da war ma dann doch lieber das er beim Englischen blieb :D

  • Hi Madskaae,

    congratulation to the new baby. Hope you'll have a lot of fun with it.

    What does your nick stand for?

    Best regards,