Vibrations in motor

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  • After I had my ER-6n to 12.000km service ther seems to be more vibrations in the motor wnen driving than before the service, do anyone have an idear to what could be the reason ?

    regards Michael

  • Hello Michael,

    i think there is not realy reason why you should get more vibration after the service.

    have you mount a new handlebar or some thing like this
    or even your ar more sensitive
    or drive in a other revolution speed

    our models have Vibrations some more some less
    but that is normal

    Die Rhöner Schafe - alles Andere als lammfromm

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Daniel.R.Olivar (25. August 2009 um 22:21)

  • Assuming you did not install any other accessories, there should really no reason why the bike vibrates more now. The only thing I can think of is that maybe the tire pressure or chain tension is different, and this allows more vibrations to get through.
    Are you riding differently now (such as no more break-in limits in rpm)? Did you check your tires (maybe you or the mechanic locked up a tire and created a flat spot)?
    My front tire started to cup when it wore down, and that created vibrations at certain speeds.

    Just some food for thoughts....